
Whether the Weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

I love the weather. Or rather, I love knowing what the weather forecast is. This is why my homepage on my computer is the Bureau of Meteorology homepage (I actually have another homepage, which opens in a second tab, style.com, but that's not relevant to this post). 

If anybody in my family ever wants to know what the temperature is meant to be, they ask me, because I almost always know the forecast for the day, and usually the next few days to come as well. In the last week or so, I have been checking the weather even more than usual because I desperately want it to get colder, just for one day. This is the reason:
Forever New zip detail melton wool coat.

Ever since I bought this coat a week ago, I have been dreaming of wearing it, finally tomorrow's 21 degrees will give me a chance to wear it. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've always had this weird thing about clothes having feelings - I feel like if I don't wear them quickly after I buy them, they get sad. It's stupid I know, but I like to think it's part of my charm. Anyway, I'll post some photos tomorrow when I finally get to wear it!

In other news, woke up this morning to a package containing my purchases from Freez which I blogged about the other day, they look lovely, I'm about to go try them on, hopefully it all fits - the dress looks like it may be too short for me!


  1. I absolutely LOVE that coat - gorgeous - I can feel a shopping trip coming on!

  2. @TheStylishShoeGirl - I know!! How pretty is it?! I have another blue coat from a year or two ago, but I've worn it too much and it's dying, so this one's it's replacement!! Forever New is so great!!

  3. i think me and you could battle it out to see who checks the weather the most
    i am pretty addicted to it!
    i would probabaly do it even more if i owned that coat!

  4. @Marisa - The battle is on!! Do you reckon there are short courses on how to understand the weather better? I want to broaden my weather knowledge!!

  5. Lovely coat! It's such a gorgeous colour!

    Lol I'm completely the same with the weather, I check it several times a day and always know the forecast for the next week, hoping for a cold day so I can wear my favourite outfits!

  6. @ aelie - Yes electric blue is the best!! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who waits for cold days like they're some amazing special event!!

  7. Hey Em, I saw that coat at Forever New just 2 days ago. I was deciding whether I should buy it. There were like 2 other girls trying on the blue coat as well.

    I didn't get it in the end because I told myself and S that there might be more coats coming out! I am looking for something with a nipped waist and flared skirt. A few bows would help in my purchase decision as well..Haha!

  8. Yes I can imagine it'll be quite popular. I'm sure you'll find a gorgeous coat soon, with lots of bows!!

  9. Oh I'm just like you re: weather - whenever I know I'm going out the next day, I have to know what it'll be like! Awwwh your clothes get sad when they dont get worn - that's cute :)
    That's a gorgeous coat, I love how forever new has such lovely pieces!

  10. @ Mae - I thought it was sad, not cute :P But thanks :)

    Got a chance to wear the coat last night, for like a second cause it really wasn't cold enough, didn't take pics though.

  11. That coat is all kinds of awesome! xx

  12. I do that as well... When I see something in a store that I like, if I tough it and try it on and it fits I think it´s going to be sad if I don´t buy it, left all alone in the dark when the store closes, without mommy. Crazy, I know!

  13. Hi Emily - do you still have this coat and if so, would you consider selling it??

  14. Hi! Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I got rid of it a couple of years ago. I'm not living in Australia at the moment but I'll get someone back home to check for me if it's still there. I'm 99% sure it's not though, sorry!

  15. Thanks for your response! Yeah, if you could check either way, that would be appreciated. I'll check back on this page in a few days to see if you managed to track it down :) It looks so great on you!

  16. Unfortunately it looks like I got rid of it a few years ago, no sign of it to be seen! Sorry I wasn't any help!

  17. Ah rats, thanks anyway! Really appreciate it.
